The Coaching Star: Observing and Assessing Progress
Three-way opening and closing meetings are an important part of the executive coaching framework… The Coaching Star is a useful tool to prepare for it…
Happy New Year !
The Culture Map: Decoding How People Think, Lead, and Get Things Done Across Cultures by Erin Meyer
It can be tough to navigate the choppy waters of cultural differences in a global workplace. While not a hard and fast rule, cultural stereotypes exist for a reason: business culture in Latin America and Asia is strongly hierarchical; Scandinavians want a boss who’s...
Peut-on être un grand leader sans expertise technique ?
Peut-on être un grand leader sans expertise technique ? par Art Markman Les études comme la pratique le prouvent, on est un bien meilleur leader lorsque connaît son secteur et ses subtilités. Il est communément admis dans la société et l’enseignement que les...
A sparring partner: Why, How, What…
The Sparring Partner: Why every CEO needs one CEOs, top executives and business owners face the challenge of high stakes decision-making every day. They weigh the pros and cons and make the call, often working to a tight deadline. Critical feedback is not necessarily...